Tag >> About My Self

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Tag about my self ..

1. Where is your cell phone
maksudnya ponsel? Disaku atau biasanya digenggam. Namanya juga telepon genggam :P

2. Relationship?

3. Your hair?
Lebih bagus kalo berantakan daripada rapi (pendapat pribadi) :P

4. Work?
masih sibuk ngurus diri sendiri

5. Your sisters?
ada tapi sepupu.

6. Your favorit thing?
traveling, reading, sleeping.

7. Your dream last night?
-- none-- coz semalem susah tidur karena flu.

8. Your favorit drink?
air es, es capucinno

9. Your dream car?
Land Cruiser

10. Your shoes?
suka model yang tak bertali

11. Your fears?
fall in love

12. What do you want to be in 10 years?
be success man. amin

13. Who did your hang out with last week?
Sama saudara nonton konser

14. What are you not good at?
hafalan, saya tak suka menghapal

15. One of your wish list item?
berharap terbaik atas diri.

16. Where you grew up?

17. Last thing you did?

18. What are you wearing?
yang pasti nggak pake koran bekas. :P

19. Your computer?
My Lenovo, elnovo.

20. Your pet?
nggak suka melihara, tapi kalo ngelihat suka.

21. Your life?
me is mine.

22. Missing ? (hilang)
lebih baik menghilang daripada nyari orang hilang. *Lho?*

23. What are you thinking right now?
Aku benar-benar menikmati musik jazz. *sambil denger musiknya BLP*

24. Your car?
masih tertahan di inbox email.

25. Your kitchen?
Ada tu, tapi jarang dipake’

26. Your favorit color?
Hitam, abu-abu, putih.

27. Last time you laugh?
kemarin lihat adegan di tivi, tapi lupa acaranya. *effect jarang nonton tivi*

28. Last time you cried?

29. Love?
don’t say it with me

30. So who wants to share their ONEs? how about?
apa aja yang bisa..

31. Person elected to the tag
Kucluk Family, are : Uni, Atif, Yazid, Ata, Rois

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